#11: Chloé Boreham (Actress/Director/Producer)

"You are where you are supposed to be right now” and “everything is said when it needs to be said." Chloé Boreham (who most recently appeared in Damian Walshe-Howling's MESSIAH, produced by the Weinstein Co and just shot her film LA LICORNE in Paris) and I had a, dare I say it, honest conversation. If you're a creative developing your own project, or don't know how to resolve your "20-something" neurosis, listen in. We discuss things happening for a reason, natural continuations, balancing results-oriented focus with organic artistry, writing as a function of you (as opposed to just an 'extension of you') and "unaware instances" as the archetypal moment for when the best stories are born (and what does that even mean!?).