Anyone in the industry, and anyone for that matter, should listen to Megan's musings and share in her audacity. Case in point: Oscar-Winner Helen Mirren may have narrated one of her films, but Megan (winner of the 2016 Greg Coote Scholarship) was the one to put her life on the line to shoot it. The AACTA and IF-nominated filmmaker substantiates my inquiry into candor as a means of cultivating an artistic identity, and is a notable example for how practicing gratitude and just getting to the work (please, just stop complaining everyone) is the secret to success. Namely, we discuss how self-realisations have to be worked at and are often the result of an accumulation of events (read: they're not easily epiphanic), how hardships teach lessons (and especially useful in avoiding the 'rabbit hole' of industry obsession) and the distinction between being honest in a nice and constructive way as opposed to just being a dick (my word, not hers). Also, we touch on the practical realities for self-care in entertainment, what Hollywood power players DON'T and DO care about and going against people's advice (when maybe it's not best for the career, but it's necessary and vital for your humanity). Stay around past the halfway mark for what she thinks is the #1 source of unhappiness and cause of artistic death, and listen in to find out what question she asks herself while working on her projects.